Offering Envelopes From Cokesbury
- Members contribute regularly
- Increases funds for missionary and pastoral work
- Keeps the act of giving alive
- Enables the church to plan for the year
- Simplifies record keeping
- Keeps your membership list up-to-date
- Enhances member communications
Offering envelopes raise stewardship funds for the expansion of ministries, and strengthen the financial position of your church for future growth. We offer custom printed offering envelopes to reflect the unique character of your church! Offering Envelope Programs are a proven and effective tool to increase giving and promote consistent financial stewardship. The image your church projects to the community is a key factor in growing your membership. Let us create offering envelopes with a clear identity and welcoming image to your members and visitors.
We have the right program for your church!
Church Envelope Products and Services
Custom Boxed Sets
Custom design your annual sets by selecting the envelope and ink colors, giving categories and artwork to be printed. You may even prefer to mail the boxed sets directly to each member's home. Personalized Boxed Sets simplify distribution and eases your staff workload.
Envelope Mailing Programs
Mailing Programs allow you to grow your stewardship program throughout the year by providing the flexibility to include pastoral letters, communication cards, newsletters, and special fund envelopes. Envelope sets are mailed directly to your member’s homes on a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly basis. Churches using this program have reported contribution increases ranging from 9–28%!
Children’s and Youth Stewardship Envelopes
We offer the best selection in children’s and youth offering envelopes. Each child feels special and part of the congregation when they can contribute along with their parents. Nurture the financial future of your church by teaching lifelong stewardship habits today!
Custom Designed Envelopes in Bulk
Custom design an envelope to welcome visitors, new members or encourage additional giving. Printed to your specifications, we will create an envelope that nurtures giving and coordinates with your church image.
Custom Outreach Ministry Stationery
One of the keys to outreach ministry is conveying a clear church identity to the community. Our ministry stationery will give you the tools to spread His message and welcome new members. We have letterhead, business cards, welcome visitor kits, door hangers, prayer request cards, newsletters, and postcards that can be printed to your specifications. Choose from one of our standard inspirational designs or customize a set for your church. Call for free samples.
Pew Envelopes
Pew Envelopes may be used by anyone visiting your church, someone wishing to make a special contribution or in place of a forgotten weekly envelope. Have envelopes readily available in your church pews for whatever the need.
Seasonal/Special Occasions/Projects
Special Fund Envelopes
Members are happy to share their blessings when they know where their support is needed. Our Special Fund Envelopes call attention to church celebrations, budget needs, and special occasions. Insert these envelopes into regular sets or purchase in bulk quantities for pew distribution.